Archive | August, 2013

Laura Veirs – Warp and Weft (album)

21 Aug

Released 2013
I downloaded this yesterday as it was 6Music’s “album of the day”.
I am a sucker for steel pedal work and so  really like her current radio single,”Sun Song”.
I’d describe the album as close and subtle, a bit like Beth Orton meets Jenny Lewis in places. Another perfect rainy Sunday album.
Strange I should mention Alice Coltrane in last review, however, as not only is there a song about her, aptly titled, “That Alice” but the last song on this album is a blatant homage to her style. Funny how things like that happen. Happenstance.

Stand out tracks: More arpeggio loveliness reminiscent of Doves’ “Winter Hill” on “Ikaria”followed by the lovely “Sadako Folding Cranes”. These two songs need to be played together for maximum loveliness.

I couldn’t listen to this all the time because generally I like a bit more balls in music but it’s very thoughtful and beautiful.
There’s a lot to listen to, a lot going on.
Will keep on my playlist for a bit as have a feeling it will be a grower.


These New Puritans – Field of Reeds (album)

16 Aug

Released 2013.
I recently asked my fellow FB friends to name some suitable “rainy Sunday afternoon” music.
My friend, Grover, recommended this one.

So I listened to it on a very sodden bus into work this morning.

My verdict?
A library of sound. Like Cinematic Orchestra meets the jazz whimsy of Alice Coltrane with arrangements by Bela Bartok.
Oh yeah, with the occasional vocal by that midget in Twin Peaks.
I’m pretty sure the band’s brief was to ensure the listener never catches on to where the melody is going.
Arty, layered, textured, moody – and yes, perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Highlights: The piano chords on the ending of V (Island Song) and Boards of Canada-esque arpeggios on Organ Eternal. Image

Placebo – Too Many Friends (single)

15 Aug

“My computer thinks I’m gay.
I threw that piece of junk away…”

This is awful. He still can’t write lyrics then.

“This is my last communicate.”

Do you mean communication? Because communicate is a verb not a noun.


Tyrannosaurus Rex – My People Were Fair and Had Sky In Their Hair… But Now They’re Content To Wear Stars On Their Brows

15 Aug

Released 5th July 1968

The title of this album and trippy artwork earns it respect without even listening.
However, upon listening, I conjured up the following:

Devendra Benhart has basically ripped this album off for his entire career.
Basically, ’tis whimsical, twinkly 60s Hippie-folk with excellent vibrato vocals.
John Peel reads a poem about a mole.

However, I prefer his later Glam stomping years with Tony Visconti.
