Laura Veirs – Warp and Weft (album)

21 Aug

Released 2013
I downloaded this yesterday as it was 6Music’s “album of the day”.
I am a sucker for steel pedal work and so  really like her current radio single,”Sun Song”.
I’d describe the album as close and subtle, a bit like Beth Orton meets Jenny Lewis in places. Another perfect rainy Sunday album.
Strange I should mention Alice Coltrane in last review, however, as not only is there a song about her, aptly titled, “That Alice” but the last song on this album is a blatant homage to her style. Funny how things like that happen. Happenstance.

Stand out tracks: More arpeggio loveliness reminiscent of Doves’ “Winter Hill” on “Ikaria”followed by the lovely “Sadako Folding Cranes”. These two songs need to be played together for maximum loveliness.

I couldn’t listen to this all the time because generally I like a bit more balls in music but it’s very thoughtful and beautiful.
There’s a lot to listen to, a lot going on.
Will keep on my playlist for a bit as have a feeling it will be a grower.


2 Responses to “Laura Veirs – Warp and Weft (album)”

  1. Denise August 25, 2013 at 6:28 pm #

    I feel similar to you in that this is not my usual type of music, and I couldn’t have this on all the time. If it’s too gentle, I can lose patience. But the great thing about this album is that it’s folksy but has a bit of life to it too. Sun Song is my favourite from the album at the moment, but America is good too.

    • wolfemutha August 26, 2013 at 9:39 pm #

      Sun Song has a great atmosphere…. and that lush steel pedal!!!!

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