Archive | September, 2017

Nadine Shah – Holiday Destination

25 Sep

Texturally beautiful with very dark, undulating production. Unfortunately, I don’t feel that the majority of the songs on this album develop in a way that I find wholly gripping. Having said that, Holiday Destination as a whole is beautiful and takes her up a notch in the Goth camp. The album offers up menacing repetition, intriguing lyrics (“all these folk think that I am evil like I am the living devil himself”), minor chords and is very heavy on multi-tracked vocals and Leslie Cabinet effects.
Standout song for me is “Relief,” which, to be fair, is really fucking good. Hints of mid-Eastern loveliness and dirty sax which reminds me a bit of Bowie’s Black Star in places with a catchy vocal riff.
Fans of Joy Division, experimental Tom Waits, introspective Sonic Youth and early PJ Harvey might like this… but then again, all of those references have a bit more to them.
I like what this album is doing, don’t get me wrong! I just find it falls short of something that makes it interesting enough to want to listen to again and again.

nadine shah holiday destination