From When I Wake The Want Is – Kathryn Joseph

10 Aug

Kathryn Joseph
I’ve heard the single (same name as album) a few times on BBC Radio 6 Music and each time it’s on, I think, “Is this Lamb / Lou Rhodes?” only to be wrong each time! I’m not familiar with her but my friend caught her live at Hyde Park recently and enjoyed her set immensely. A radio DJ recently explained on-air that Kathryn adopted “Joseph” as her surname after the name of her late-son. It seems such a deeply personal touch to a press release, one that would cause any listener to instantly will her some success and happiness. You just knew, however, that the album that would follow would be sad, introspective and haunting. We weren’t wrong.
Album only just released today (10/08/18) and I have only listened to it once. Initially, I am slightly bored with over-egged vibrato kneeling at Agnes Obel’s alter. The piano-riffs are samey throughout and the songs appear to bleed into each other. My ears do perk up on “There Is No God But You,” however, which is undeniably moving.
It’s a bit like voluntarily watching Schindler’s List, unfortunately. I know that the album has been beautifully crafted from real pain and artistry but I’m not sure how often I can sink into this dark space she’s dug from the dozen songs on this album. It’s so sad and harrowing and quite frankly, hard to crawl back out of.
Fans of Lamb, Joanna Newsom and Agnes Obel may like this.

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