Tag Archives: Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light On Everything

Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra – Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light On Everything

19 Feb

Another recommendation from Dad.
Bursting out of the speakers like mad hornets at a wake for the death of Arcade Fire, this album takes no prisoners. Chain yourself to the fence whilst it blows your hair back. Hellish, grinding and relentless with the occasional island of beauty. I can imagine they are amazing live. A lot of jamming on single notes, a la The Velvet’s “Black Angels Death Song,” with a similarly menacing fiddle.
The opening title track is immense. Canadians seem to get this shit so right, adding yet another great band to the list, buddying up with the likes of Godspeed You Black Emperor, Besnard Lakes and Black Mountain.
One to buy on vinyl fo’ sho’.

thee silver