Tag Archives: Unbroken

This Day In Music – 4th March

4 Mar

Today, 4th March


the early beatles
The Early Beatles – The Beatles (unknown release date)
US only compilation album which is basically Please Please Me but jumbled up. Obviously, a great listen but would rather hear the UK album containing the same songs in original order. It seems to end rather abruptly as well.

latin for lovers
Latin For Lovers – Doris Day (unknown release date)
Latin easy-listening perfect for supping cocktails from a coconut in a Tiki Lounge.


the best years
The Best Years of Our Lives – Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel (unknown release date)
I know the big single! Sounds very much like other Glam out at the time. Steve Harley’s voice, or rather his intonation, is very similar to Ian Hunter’s in places and the songs sound as though they could’ve poured from Mick Ronson’s brain. That’s not a bad thing though. Beautifully produced at Abbey Road Studios. Highlight for me is “Back To The Farm” with it’s minor chords, passionate delivery and harmonies. Great freaky synth noises as well.

between the lines
Between The Lines – Janis Ian (unknown release date)
Never heard of her but she reminds me a lot of Carol King. Mellow and pretty with lovely string arrangements. I like the Jewish taste on title song.

Duit on Mon Dei – Harry Nilsson (unknown release date)
Had to look up name to get the pun. I know this dude from The Point soundtrack! Just as kooky and crazy as I’d hoped, opening with the wonderfully titled first song, “Jesus Christ You’re Tall”!

Feelings – Paul Anka (unknown release date)
New one on me but apparently he wrote the Tonight Show’s theme song. Easy listening and forgettable, like a really bland Elton John. The photo on the front looks like an ad for fake tan.


Aikea-Guinea – Cocteau Twins (4th March)
I have this EP on vinyl but not listened to in a while so very lovely to have an excuse to listen to it again. Beautiful Goth loveliness. Sparkly jewels, baby birds, wild roses, filigree and dark, twisted labyrinths.  Yeah.

metal heart
Accept – Metal Heart (4th March)
German Metal! Never heard of Accept although not dissimilar to another million like-souding bands. Vocals quite similar to AC/DC frontman. Beethoven guitar solo on opening song is entertaining though and reminds me of something from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure! Very silly.

bad moon rising
Bad Moon Rising – Sonic Youth (unknow release date)
I recognise the album artwork but I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one before. Apparently, it’s their 2nd release. Funny, I expected this to be less experimental than it is.  How wrong was I?!! It definitely stands out against what I’ve heard from 1985 so far. Very dark “Shoegaze” avant-noise brilliance. “Society Is A Hole” is just beautiful. And whilst undoubtedly influneced by the likes of The Velvet Underground and German experimentalists like Kurt Weil it’s mind-bogglingly groundbreaking for the time, I think. More contemporary bands like Esben & The Witch wish they could sound this cool.


chapter v
Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken – HammerFall (4th March)
Another Iron Maiden, this time Swedish. Mild kudos for Game of Thrones references.

Anniemal – Annie (4th March) Bubble-gum Norweigian electro-pop. Some songs more credible than others but the single is pretty rubbish. Some interesting bleeps and darker tracks like “Helpless Fool For Love”.